- Other News
- Working Missions
The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) joined efforts to execute the project: Modernization of the Collection Processes of the Superintendency of…
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- Events
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- Technical Assistance
On December 1 and 2, 2021, the X Meeting of Tax Administrations on International Taxation was held to discuss “Advances, challenges and proposals for the control of multinational companies and…
6,529 total views, 1 views today
- Technical Assistance
For the fourth consecutive year, Guatemala’s SAT organized its meeting in the city of Antigua with the participation of 14 cooperants, whose purpose is to disseminate the progress made in…
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- Working Missions
The FEL Forum, organized by the Superintendency of Tax Administration – SAT, with the support of the IDB, CIAT, Germany Agency of International Cooperation and the Pan-American Business School, was…
6,883 total views, 2 views today
- Other News
At the last meeting of the CIAT International Taxation Network held within the framework of the existing cooperation between the CIAT Executive Secretariat and the Tax Justice Network (TJN), consideration…
15,434 total views, 5 views today
- Working Missions
From left to right: Ms. Dorothea Beerling de Henestrosa, Director of German cooperation in El Salvador (GIZ); Mr. Isaac Gonzalo Arias Esteban, CIAT´s International Cooperation and Taxation Director; Mr. Martín…
6,620 total views, 3 views today