The Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT) of Guatemala receives a CIAT technical mission within the framework of the CIAT-NORAD Collaboration Program

The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) joined efforts to execute the project: Modernization of the Collection Processes of the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT) Guatemala – CIAT/NORAD Program.

Within the framework of the aforementioned project, a face-to-face mission was carried out from September 26 to 30, 2022, with the participation of CIAT consultants and SAT authorities. During the mission, the programmed agenda of activities was completed, developing specific topics related to tax compliance control processes, so that the corresponding actions may be implemented in the Annual Operating Plan of the Collection Directorate for fiscal year 2023 and to learn about successful experiences in other countries.

We are grateful for the contribution of the SAT team as a key factor in achieving the work objectives of this mission.

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