NTO General Assembly and Executive Council met in Nantes, France (June 8 to 10)

Within the framework of the 35th Annual Conference of CREDAF – Center for Reflection of Tax Directors of French-speaking countries – it took place in in Nantes, France, the Executive Council and General Assembly of the NTO – Network of Tax Organizations met to advance relevant developing institutional aspects and strategic plans.

CIAT’s Executive Secretary, Márcio F. Verdi, Chair of NTO, led the working sessions with the support of the NTO Secretariat team which is financed by GIZ – German Cooperation through ITC.

NTO Assembly and Executive Council are the first in person meetings since last presential Assembly in Rome in March 2019, at the Guardia di Finanza Headquarters, and last presential Council meeting in 2020 in Paris.

Some of the principal topics to be discuss in Nantes:

  • NTO members update themselves on recent developments in their organizations

  • Confirm new wording of the ‘vision’ and ‘mission’

  • Discuss principles and interactions in the NTO governance structure

  • Identify lessons learnt of the 2021 conference

  • Decide on the framework for the next technical conference

  • Update the members on the NTO Workplan

The Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) is a network of regional and international tax administrations that aims to develop and promote effective tax administrations around the world.

The NTO was founded in May 2018 in Ottawa, Canada, and brings together 9 member organisations that represent 180 national tax administrations worldwide:

  • African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)

  • Caribbean Organization of Tax Administrators (COTA)

  • Cercle de Réflexion et d’Échange des Dirigeants des Administrations fiscales (CREDAF)

  • Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA)

  • Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT)

  • Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA)

  • Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association (PITAA)

  • The Association of Tax Authorities of Islamic Countries (ATAIC)

  • West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF)

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