On your mark, get set…

First details released

What began as an idea 2 years ago is quickly taking shape and between the dates of October 11-12, we will be celebrating the first CIAT Technology Fair focused on tax administration. We recently met with the company that is organizing/promoting the event and the pieces are falling into place. The event will be held at the Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel, located in downtown Miami, Florida, USA (http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/hilton-miami-downtown-MIADTHF/index.html).

Who’s invited? The world of tax administration is invited, be they government tax officials, consultants or providers of products, support and assistance.

As mentioned in prior literature, the fair will focus on how technology is enhancing and facilitating greater effectiveness and efficiency in the tax administrations. We no longer live in the age where the only exposure tax administrators had to technology was knowledge that in some room-size mainframe, somewhere there was a record of the accounts they were working. Today technology is truly ubiquitous. It is used by tax auditors to better focus on examinations. Tax Control departments have developed analytical software with sophisticated algorithms that provide information on potential compliance risks. Taxpayer Assistance providers use social networks and intuitive online applications to provide better and quicker service. Behavioral sciences can now better predict under what conditions taxpayers are more likely to comply. It assists us in knowing what potential uses we have for all that data we collect. Today we have options. No longer our only recourse is to march down to the tax office for a 2-hour wait; or, be put on “ignore” on the phone with a robotic voice constantly telling us, “Calls are answered in the order they are received. Your call will be answered in approximately 5 days.”

I’m often asked, “Who should be attending this fair?” Basically, every tax official who is involved with or manages programs that involve the taxpayer (audit, collection, taxpayer service, etc.). Is it for the Information Technology staff, too? Absolutely! Many tax administrations have in-house developers and certainly one complements the other. So, it would be beneficial for both to see where are advanced systems heading. Is it for the consultant and provider of services? Absolutely! The presentations will provide these individuals information on advances in other tech areas that may complement their services and products. Also, tax officials from all corners of the world will be present looking for solutions that may be available by a participating consultant firm.

And another question I was asked by a colleague who often goes into profound thinking was, “Val, if you were to tell the world of tax administration in one word why they should attend, what would it be?” Opportunity! Yes, opportunity! That was easy. The opportunity to see it all under one roof. The chance to see what is the next big thing, years before you add it to your program. Opportunity decides many things in our lives. Yes, we may get there a few years from now and join the world of the “Advanced Thinkers.” But why wait? Carpe diem!

Due to the nature of this event, where the private sector is a major player, with the approval of the Executive Council the CIAT Secretariat opted to plan and execute the fair with the contracted-support of a private firm. As a result, attendees will not see the usual CIAT major-event amenities (e.g., assigned seating at sessions, country flags, opening ceremony, airport pick-up, social events, and the like). Printed material will be at a minimum and in the interest of technology, all event materials will be available for download at the organizer/promoter Web site. All participant registrations and applicable fees, as well as letters for USA visas where required, will be handled by the contracted firm. Technology and consulting firms, vendors and exhibitors that are interested in having a presence in the Exhibition Hall need to contact the event organizer/promoter (Nancy Monahan at nancy.monahan@tbgevents.com) for the applicable category/tier rates.

During the months leading up to the event we will provide blogs with more information. Please start marking your calendars.

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1 comment

  1. Nelly Maldonado Reply

    AMEXIPAC is happy to confirm participation in this first CIAT Technology Fair.

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