Transfer Pricing Perspectives in the Oil and Gas Industry

General Information
Objetive: To provide the current perspective on international control, in the area of Transfer Pricing applied to the Oil and Gas sector, in the context of the COVID-19.
Date: July 24, 2020.
Hour: 9:30 AM Panama.
Duration: 3 hours.
Target audience: CIAT member countries tax administrations and general public.
Language: Spanish.

Open Registration
Registration Form
System requirements:
- Internet connection: wired or wireless broadband (3G or 4G/LTE).
- Speakers and a microphone: built-in or with a wireless USB or Bluetooth plug.
- Recommended bandwidth for webinar attendees: 600 kbps (download) for high quality video and 1.2 Mbps (download) for HD video.
Video (Only in Spanish)

Jose Luis Galindez
Ph.D. from Paris Dauphine University - PSL Université. Member of the CIAT's Tutors Network.
Susana Bokobo
Independent tax advisor and Professor at the Universidad Europea de Madrid with more than 25 years of experience. Former Deputy Director of Tax Policy at Repsol.
Carlos E. Gonzalez Gamero
Economist from the University of Monterrey, Central Administrator of Transfer Pricing Control for the General Administration of Large Taxpayers of SAT (Mexico).
Isaac Gonzalo Arias
Public Accountant with a Master’s degree in Finance Management granted through a joint program of Universidad de El Salvador in Argentina and the State University of New York. In 2018 he participated in the Course on Comparative Tax Policy and Administration – Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University.

On July 24, 2020, CIAT held a webinar on Transfer Pricing Perspectives in the Oil and Gas Industry. The panel was composed of Gonzalo Arias and Alejandro Juarez of CIAT; likewise José Luis Galindez, Carlos E. Gonzalez Gamero and Susana Bokobo. More than 600 participants joined the webinar and several questions were left unanswered. CIAT is jointly publishing some answers in the next link.