Pilot test for the application of the CIAT Self-Assessment Guide

Within the framework of institutional strengthening and continuous improvement actions in the tax administrations, a mission was conducted to the National Tax Revenue Directorate (DNIT) of Paraguay to conduct a pilot test for the application of the Self-Assessment Guide, focused on diagnosing and analyzing the current situation in relation to its levels of ethics and integrity.

The main purpose of the self-diagnosis process is to identify the administration’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. This guide is composed of nine areas: Leadership and commitment; Legal framework and institutional autonomy; Equity; Digital transformation and massive use of ICTs; Effective control mechanisms, process management and risk management; Codes of ethics and/or conduct; Human resources management practices; Cooperation as an instrument for continuous improvement; and Fight against corruption.

This self-diagnosis will not only allow for a structured analysis of the current situation but will also provide recommendations and a roadmap to promote continuous improvement in practices related to ethics and integrity in management. This mission was attended by Alejandro Luelmo, Tax Inspector of the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT) of Spain; Mariano Rojo, Head of the Spanish Mission to the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT); Concepción Sacristán, CIAT international consultant; and Maureen Pérez A., CIAT Training Manager.

From the Executive Secretariat, we would like to express our most sincere thanks to Oscar Orué, Director of DNIT, as well as to all DNIT officials for their willingness, adaptability and active participation during this mission. Their commitment and collaboration have been fundamental for the successful development of this self-diagnosis process, allowing us to advance in the promotion of a culture of ethics and integrity in the tax administration.

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