Start of technical assistance to support the strengthening of Panama’s Directorate General of Revenue (DGI)

On June 21, 2023, a meeting was held to initiate technical assistance to strengthen the Directorate General of Revenues (DGI) of Panama.

The event was attended by the Director General of Revenues, Publio de Gracia Tejada, and part of his team: Nicole Montufar, Jorge Vergara, Fransheska López and Tiffany Reyes. The CIAT directors in attendance were Francisco Beiner, Raul Zambrano, and Alejandro Juárez, accompanied by the head of the Spanish Mission to CIAT, Mariano Rojo Pérez, and Project Manager Jorge Cosulich.

The meeting began with the words of the Director General of the DGI, Publio de Gracia Tejada, followed by the words of the Director of Operations and Institutional Management, Francisco Beiner.

Subsequently, Alejandro Juárez, Raul Zambrano and Jorge Cosulich presented the project’s objective, scope, planning, and consultants.

This project will last one year, and the following products are expected to be completed:

• Design of the conceptual model of Tax Citizenship.

• Design of the Tax Training Center model and structure.

• Implementation of electronic certificates

• Implementation of e-Tax 2.0 pre-filling capability.

• Governance study and proposal for modification of Decree 109.

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