Strategic Alliances

This section allows querying information on the agreements subscribed between CIAT and its member-countries, non-member countries and international agencies.

24 Alliances
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NORAD- CIAT Cooperation Agreement

  • 4 June, 2019

Subscription venue: Havana, Cuba

Signature date: May  21, 2019

Enforcement date: May 21, 2019

Expiration date: December, 2023

To improve efficiency of tax administrations and mobilize additional tax revenues with the aim of creating proverty reduction strategies and national development plans

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11,710 total views, 16 views today

CIAT-SII Agreement

  • 24 January, 2017

Subscription venue: Panama city, Panama | Santiago de Chile

Signature date: January  11, 2017

Enforcement date:

Expiration date: December, 2017

Redactar, editar, publicar y distribuir  un Manual Regional sobre Gestión y Riesgos de Incumplimiento Tributario. Realizar una reunión regional de la Red de Gestión de Riesgo.

13,134 total views, 15 views today

ITC / CIAT – Grant Agreement

  • 25 November, 2016

Subscription venue: Panama City, Panama, Eschborn, Germany

Signature: September 15, 2016

Enforcement date: September 23, 2016

Expiration: November 15, 2016

The main aim of the Project promoted by the grant is the development of Tax Administrations in developing countries. In order to achieve this goal, the plannig, organizing and conducting of a Technology Meeting in Miami, USA, in October 2016, is forseen.

Cooperation Agreement – IEFPA / CIAT

  • 23 October, 2015

Subscription venue: Lima, Peru

Signature: May 7, 2015

Enforcement date: May 7, 2015

Expiration: 3 years

Develop an anual cooperation program between the two organizations, oriented to: coordinating agendas in areas of common interest; pooling resources and expertise when appropriate; achieving synergies as a result of joint activities; making use of the global networks of both organizations to achieve mutual benefit; improving the coordination of related activities and sharing of knowledge and ideas.

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