Strategic Alliances

This section allows querying information on the agreements subscribed between CIAT and its member-countries, non-member countries and international agencies.

24 Alliances
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GDF of Italy / CIAT Memorandum of Understanding

  • 27 December, 2013

Subscription venue: Santiago, Chile (46th CIAT General Assembly)

Signature date: April 25, 2012

Enforcement date: April 25, 2012

Expiration: 5 years, automatically renewable every year

Coordinating and carrying out technical assistances, technical events and other activities or initiatives which the parties may agree in.

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MH from Costa Rica / CIAT – Framework Agreement on Cooperation and Technical Assistance

  • 2 August, 2013

Subscription venue: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Signature date: October 18, 2012

Enforcement date: October 18, 2012

Expiration: 10 years, with the possibility of renewing for periods of the same length

Improve the collection and quality of services rendered, through consultorships, technical assistances, trainings and exchange of experiences on the fiscal area, promoting the reciprocal knowledge of tax legislation, management methods, collection and applied policies against fiscal evasion.

Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay / CIAT – Agreement

  • 1 August, 2013

Subscription venue: Montevideo, Uruguay

Signature date: April 29, 2011

Enforcement date: April 29, 2011

Expiration: 2 years, automatically renewable every year

Design, program and implement educational programs under the classroom training, semi-classroom training and e-learning modalities, on the sphere of public finances, with an emphasis on the fields of administration, tax policy and legislation, with the aim of propitiating the diffusion and exchange of experiences.

Universidad de la Matanza / CIAT – Agreement

  • 1 August, 2013

Subscription venue: Panama City, Panama

Signature date: January 29, 2009

Enforcement date: January 29, 2009

Expiration: 2 years, automatically renewable every year

Act jointly from a perspective of technical and academic cooperation on the sphere of public finances, with an emphasis on the fields of administration, tax policy and legislation, through the design, programing and implementation of educational programs under the classroom training, semi-classroom training and e-learning modalities.

24 Posts
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