Strategic Alliances
This section allows querying information on the agreements subscribed between CIAT and its member-countries, non-member countries and international agencies.
Universidad Externado de Colombia / CIAT – Agreement
- 1 August, 2013
Subscription venue: Colombia and Panama
Signature date: September 30, 2004
Enforcement date: September 30, 2004
Expiration: 2 years, automatically renewable every year
Design, program and implement programs under the classroom training, semi-classroom training and e-learning modalities, on the sphere of public finances, with an emphasis on the fields of administration, tax policy and legislation, with the aim of propitiating the diffusion and exchange of experiences.
World Bank / CIAT – Letter of Intent
- 31 July, 2013
Subscription venue: Santiago, Chile (46th CIAT General Assembly)
Signature date: April 26, 2012
Enforcement date: April 26, 2012
Expiration: indefinite
Propitiate an improved collaboration and coordination in support of CIAT’s member countries in the areas of fiscal policy and tax administration.
1,232 total views, 2 views today
ICEFI / CIAT – Cooperation Agreement
- 29 April, 2011
Subscription venue: Quito, Ecuador (45th CIAT General Assembly)
Signature: April 7, 2011
Enforcement date: April 7, 2011
Expiration: 3 years with possible one-year extensions
Coordinate agendas in areas of common interest; pooling resources and expertise when appropriate; achieving synergies as a result of joint activities; making use of the global networks of both organizations to achieve mutual benefit; improving the coordination of related activities and sharing of knowledge and ideas.
CEATS / CIAT – Cooperation Agreement
- 9 February, 2011
Subscription venue: Buenos Aires, Argentina (47th CIAT General Assembly)
Signature date: April 25, 2013
Enforcement date: April 25, 2013
Expiration: 3 years with possible 1 year extensions
Development of an anual cooperation program between both organizations, oriented to coordinating agendas in areas of mutual interest, combine resources and skills, achive sinergies as a result of the development of joint activities, use both global networks to gain mutual advantages and benefits, improve the coordination of related activities and share knowledge and ideas.
2,548 total views, 4 views today