Tax avoidance, tax advisors and responsability

It is not the same to evade that to avoid taxes.

Are the taxpayers responsible for the decisions taken by our tax advisors? Independently that who takes the decision, we as taxpayers are who pay penalties and go to jail (as for example “the Messi case“).

Most of the times, the taxpayers approve the decisions of their tax advisors.

It is not the same to evade that to avoid taxes. Tax avoidance is entirely legal and is where you take steps to minimise your tax bill, exploiting loopholes in the law. While tax evasion is where you deliberately break the rules, therefore, illegal.

Recently, whitin the framework of a consultancy about social mesaures against tax fraud, I recommend to introduce cooperative strategies with tax advisors to one Tax Administration. And several days ago I read here how the UK approved penalties for banks and tax advisors who help to their clients to avoid taxes.

Do you agree with the UK decision? Do you think the UK decision should be extended to the rest of countries? Is it fair that the taxpayers suffer the consequences of the decisions of their tax advisors?

Awaiting your opinions!

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