Alfredo Collosa

Alfredo Collosa

Argentinean, virtual tutor of CIAT since 2008, participating as tutor of the Diploma in Taxation, the Diploma in Tax Administration and the Training Program for Tax Auditors.

Master in Public Finance, Financial and Tax Administration (UNED/IEF). Certified Public Accountant, Bachelor in Business Administration, Specialist in Taxation.
4T Diploma: Fintech, Govtech, Regtech, Legaltech. Diploma in Estate Planning and International Taxation.

Consultant on tax administration, taxation and new technologies (AI, Blockchain) for international organizations.

Consultant for the tax inspectors without borders program (OECD, UN, UNDP).

University and postgraduate lecturer, speaker and blogger on tax administration, taxation and new technologies.

Director of Master’s Thesis in universities in the country and abroad.

Author of 16 books and more than 400 publications on tax issues in CIAT Blog, IEF Spain, Bloomberg Tax, GCC Fintax, Kluwer International Tax blog, Mercojuris, Observatorio Blockchain, Practica Profesional, etc.

AMLCA Anti-Money Laundering Certificate (Florida University USA).

Researcher of the Jean Monnet research project “digitalization of tax administrations in EU”.

Researcher at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP).

Member of Metalaw and Crypto Tax Forum.

Coordinator of the Alumni Network of the Master in Public Finance and Financial and Tax Administration (RAAM) of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (Spain).

I have been an Official of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) since 1990, and currently the Head of the Training Division.

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