James Karanja

James Karanja

James Karanja is the Head of Secretariat, Tax Inspectors Without Borders Initiative, that complements the broader efforts of the international community to strengthen international cooperation on tax matters and make a significant contribution to the domestic resource mobilisation efforts of developing countries.

James has over fifteen years’ experience in tax policy and administration and has held several leading roles and responsibilities in Kenya Revenue Authority in investigation and enforcement, reform project management as well as international tax. Immediately prior to his appointment to the TIWB Secretariat he served as Head of International Tax Office, responsible for formulation of policy and legislative frameworks for international tax including compliance with international standards on exchange of information, Competent Authority, treaty negotiation and MAP dispute resolution.

As previous Chair of the Africa Tax Administration Forum Cross Border Transactions Committee, James was instrumental in championing developing countries interests in the BEPS Project in 2015 and as a delegate to Working Party 1 on Tax Treaties as well as Kenya delegate to the CFA.

James is a Nairobi University trained lawyer and holder of a Masters studies in Public Policy and Management from Strathmore Business School in Nairobi Kenya. James envisions the establishment of a veritable global army of tax auditors to counter against misallocation of taxes badly needed for more equitable and sustainable development.

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