Michael Keen

Deputy Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department at the International Monetary Fund, where he was previously Head of the Tax Policy Division. Before joining the Fund, he was Professor of Economics at the University of Essex, and Visiting Professor at Queens University (Canada) and Kyoto University (Japan.
He is the co-author of books on The Modern VAT and Taxing Profits in a Global Economy, and has co-edited books on Digital Revolutions in Public Finance, Inequality and Fiscal Policy, Mitigating Climate Change and others on the taxation of petroleum and minerals, customs administration and labor market institutions.
MIchael was President of the International Institute of Public Finance from 2003 to 2006, was awarded the CESifo Musgrave Prize in 2010, and in 2018 received from the National Tax Association of the United States its most prestigious award, the Daniel M. Holland Medal for distinguished lifetime contributions to the study and practice of public finance.
He is the founding co-editor of International Tax and Public Finance, served as Associate Editor on the Review of Economic Studies and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Public Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Economic Policy and many other journals, as well as on the advisory boards of several academic institutions.
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