Sebastián Fernando Perlati

Sebastián Fernando Perlati

National Public Accountant. – National University of Córdoba. UNC.

Labor / Professional background:
Director of Tax Advice of the Ministry of Finance of the Province of Córdoba.
Alternate Representative of the Province of Córdoba in the Arbitration and Plenary Commission of the Multilateral Agreement.
Alternate Representative of the Province of Córdoba in the Federal Tax Commission.
Member of the Sub-Committee on Standards of the Arbitration Committee of the Multilateral Agreement.

Background in Teaching:
Associate Professor of Tax Procedures, Tax Regime I and II. Blas Pascal University.
Assistant Professor of Financial Mathematics. – National University of Córdoba. UNC.
Teacher in the Diploma of Auditing and Accounting. Blas Pascal University.
Visiting Professor in the Postgraduate Career of the Specialization in Taxation. National University of Córdoba and the National University of La Rioja.

Background on Teaching and Professional matters:
Co-Author of the Book: “Tax on Personal Assets “Editorial Advocatus. UBP
Author and Co-Author of works published in Magazines and Editorials specialized in tax matters (Errepar and La Ley).
Co-Author of Teaching Materials. Income Tax. Value Added Tax, Blas Pascal University.
Lecturer in conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, and professional update cycles.
Participation as Collaborator and Writer of tax regulations of the Province of Córdoba (Modifications to the Provincial Tax Code, Tax Law, Laws, Decrees, Resolutions).

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