The Director of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador visits the Executive Secretariat

On January 21, Economist Carlos M. Carrasco Vicuña, General Director of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador, together with Economist Silvia Martinez, visited the CIAT Executive Secretariat headquarters.

Mr. Carrasco met with the Executive Secretary, Mr. Márcio F. Verdi, the Heads of Missions of European countries assigned to CIAT, and other CIAT directors and coordinators.

It is worth noting that in addition to discussing matters of interest to his organization, the purpose of his visit to the CIAT headquarters was to come in personal contact with the staff, and familiarize himself with the physical facilities of the organizations’ headquarters.

In the working meetings, areas and activities of interest and benefit to the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador and CIAT were identified and specified, such as the Training program, technical assistance and other events to be sponsored by the SRI of Ecuador.

The Director of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador expressed his full and resolute support to the Executive Secretariat’s efforts as well as his awareness of the nature and impact of the different programs being carried out by CIAT for strengthening the Tax Administrations of its member countries.

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