The General Directorate of Revenue carries out a technical validation of the institutional goals for 2018

On January 25, the General Directorate of Revenue of Panama held a technical meeting to validate its goals for 2018. During this activity, the General Director of Revenue, Mr. Publio Ricardo Cortés C. and his Department Heads reviewed the Institutional Operational Plan formulated within the framework of the objectives planned in the DGI Strategic Plan for 2015-2019.

During the activity, the Department Heads presented the results obtained from the actions and initiatives implemented, which were proposed in their respective 2017 operational plans, sharing the management lessons learned and the improvement opportunities proposed for the achievement of their objectives in the beginning of this New Year.

With these initiatives, the DGI continues to work on promoting a vision shared by the whole institution and with commitment and clarity to overcome the pending challenges, the achievement of its objectives in terms of collection and improvement of the service to taxpayers, thus consolidating the development of the new management model based on strategic planning and management by results.

On his Twitter account, Mr. Cortes said he wasproud of the effort and achievements obtained“.

The meeting took place at the central office of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations. It was attended by Raúl Zambrano, CIAT Director of Technical Assistance and TIC and the team of tax specialists of the MEF-DGI-CIAT Modernization Project: Jorge Cosulich, Santiago Reyes, Manuel García, Tulio Escobar, María Eugenia Torres and Issel Perozo Quintero.

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