The Internal Revenue Service of Chile (SII) supports the SRI of Ecuador under the CIAT-ITC Collaboration Program
In the framework of the collaboration program between CIAT and the International Tax Compact (ITC) initiative, the Internal Revenue Service (SII) of Chile provided technical assistance to the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) of Ecuador, on the topic of income tax on capital gains. from June 16 to 18, 2015. This assistance comes from a first support on the issue, offered last April, also framed in the CIAT-ITC program, in which the need for a second technical visit arose in order to assist in the design of additional regulation relating to the taxation of capital gains, and to deepen inherent issues discussed in the first visit. The conclusion of this comprehensive analysis of the recently reformed rules will allow the SRI to start a new phase in the control of capital gains.

Left: Mr. Omar Estrada, Head of Sectors Areas and Economic Groups, Department of Selective Tax Compliance Analysis of SII, along with the SRI team in charge of the project.