The transparency and taxation agenda in Latin America according to UN’s FACTI High Panel Report

With the aim of promoting transparency for the prevention and combat of financial and tax crimes, in 2020 CIAT and TJN, together with other organizations, coordinated an event on “Experiences of registration and verification of information on beneficial owners”. Given the need to continue the debate and exchange of experiences on these issues, on April 19 and 20, 2021 a webinar was held on the “Agenda for transparency and taxation in Latin America according to the Report of the High Panel FACTI of the United Nations“, an activity jointly organized by CIAT, Tax Justice Network (TJN) and the Secretariat of the FACTI Panel.


The objective of this activity was to discuss the transparency and taxation agenda in Latin America, considering the political opportunity to generate improvements and consensus based on the recommendations of the FACTI Panel Final Report, in order to combat illicit financial flows and thus help mobilize more resources towards vital investments for sustainable development. It also provided an opportunity to exchange experiences on the progress made in the region in relation to the registration and verification of beneficial owners, the use of automatic exchange of banking information and country-by-country reporting, as well as measures to combat tax avoidance and evasion by multinationals and high net worth individuals.


The event was attended by approximately two hundred participants, including prominent speakers and government authorities (tax administrations, financial intelligence units and others) and organizations with extensive experience in related issues, such as ICRICT, Latindadd, OAS, OECD, Latin American Tax Justice Network, Fundación Directorio Legislativo and GAFILAT.

The Tax Justice Network and CIAT thank all those who contributed to the success of this activity and pledge to continue to move forward in promoting dialogue on this critical issue, together with their partners in the region.


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