Transnational Cases Involving the Erosion of the Taxable Base
This service includes transnational cases of intentional tax base erosion, based on real cases and prepared according to a standard that facilitates their analysis. It includes general information on the taxation systems of 24 CIAT member countries from the Americas, Europe and Africa, which is necessary to analyze, compare and interpret the 40 cases reported by 18 countries which involve aggressive behaviors. Its objective is to provide the tax administrations information for identifying aggressive behaviors by businesses and/or individuals who carry out international transactions and their respective characteristics, for the ultimate purpose of generating cooperation that may result in coordinated actions.
The system allows for filtering the cases by country, taxpayer behavior and economic sector.
The Base of Transnational Cases of Tax Base Erosion is an exclusive service for tax administrations, developed within the framework of the CIAT International Taxation Network with the technical support of the University of Maastricht. This initiative was provided financial support by German Cooperation (GIZ), EUROsociAL+ and Spanish Cooperation (AECID), through the Intercoonecta Program.
Note: the 40 cases that comprise this service were reported by tax administrations and do not disclose any data considered sensitive, strictly abiding by the duty of the tax administrations to maintain secrecy.
The Country Profile indicates (on the right side in parenthese) the date on which it was updated.
For additional information you may contact Mr. Gonzalo Arias (, Mrs. Amanda Alvarado ( and Mrs. Anarella Calderoni (
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