Two new services

Technical Conference 2012

blog-Dos servicios nuevosA couple of developments in the form of electronic services come with our Technical Conference that begins next October 15 in the city of Amsterdam. On one hand, on the Conference internet site the daily schedule of activities can be accessed online. The agenda allows access to information about daily activities, including the name of the document and the person presenting it as well as the next activities. Following the link, you can download the document being presented. The application is adapted to traditional display screens as well as for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Here are two images as they can be seen on a small screen like a mobile phone browser or a common browser.

The other new service is very important for those who work in the Executive Secretariat; it has to do with the evaluation of the event. This assessment that traditionally has been done in a paper format, it will be done in an electronic format effective this event on. Participants will receive in the morning on Thursday 18th, an e-mail with the link to the electronic evaluation form. The mail will arrive in the language selected as preferred to receive technical documents. The questions have the same format and the same rating scale as for recent events, and provide the facility to offer the session names and events with a list for evaluation. This simple procedure avoids having to rely on memory, having to resort to the writing program or ask the “absent-minded” assistant beside, to select which session you liked the most.

Here are two images, as you can see the first one is on a small screen like a smart phone device and the other is with a common browser.

We hope that participants can take advantage of these new services, including consulting the agenda in real time and conducting assessment on Thursday, October 18 in the afternoon, in the plenary room, thanks to the internet wireless access that organizers have provided, either with your laptop, your tablet or your smartphone. It is always possible to do it a few hours later from the comfort of your hotel room or in the internet room provided by our colleagues of the Tax Administration from The Netherlands.

Greetings and good luck


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1 comment

  1. Kiko J. Reply

    Se van a transmitir Tweets durante la semana de la Concerencia?

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