VII Meeting of Tax Studies Network

On February 26 and 27, 2018, the seventh meeting of the Tax Studies Network of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) took place at the Escola de Administração Fazendária (ESAF) located in Brasilia, Brazil.

The event was sponsored by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), with the support of the Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB) and ESAF, and had the honor to be inaugurated by Ms. Marta González Ayala, Deputy Minister of Taxation of Paraguay and president of the CIAT Executive Council, Mr. Paulo Ricardo de Souza Cardozo, Deputy Secretary of the RFB, Mr. Manuel Augusto Alves Silva, General Director of ESAF, and Mr. Marcio Ferreira Verdi, Executive Secretary of CIAT.

The main topic of the meeting was “The Quantitative Analysis of the Tax Administration: Evidence-based Policies Analysis”, a framework in which the 28 participants from 14 countries and CIAT could approach through the 17 presentations of the members, in the advances registered by the Tax Administrations (AATT) of the region.

These were two days of intense activity, during which we could observe first-hand the efforts made by the Tax Administrations and their areas of Studies to project, measure and evaluate the activities of the collection agencies and whose results are available to the entire CIAT community.

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