Visit to the Guardia Di Finanza

Mr. Miguel Pecho, Director of Tax Studies and Research, visited on Wednesday January 30, the Directorate General of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome, Italy, as part of the international cooperation activities that this organization promotes with the tax authorities of CIAT member countries.

Colonel Rosario Massino (Head of International Cooperation Office), on the photo, personally conducted a balance of his unit management in the last two years and gave details of the main projects being developed in the tax intelligence, information exchange and international control areas. In this scope, possible new initiatives and activities were evaluated, to be implemented by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the CIAT.

Since August 2012, Italy maintains a permanent mission at the Main Offices of CIAT Executive Secretariat, represented by Lt. Col. Stefano Gesuelli, through which cooperation and technical assistance on the above mentioned topics are provided to CIAT member countries.

The visit also allowed coordinating actions by the Guardia di Finanza to increase the exchange of information for tax purposes and the work carried out by experts of this administration with CIAT member countries, as part of the “peer review” process from the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information.



Picture, from left to right: Mr. Miguel Pecho, Director of Tax Studies and Research
and Colonel Rosario Massino, Head of the International Cooperation Office.

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