Visit to the Guardia di Finanza’s Economics and Financial Police School

The participants of the meeting of the NTO Executive Council had the opportunity to visit the School of Economics and Finance Police of the Guardia di Finanza on March 14th. The visit was the opportunity to know the organization and the educational programs of the School, as well as discuss the possibilities of collaboration to carry out future training in favor of the tax administrations that are members of the NTO.

The Institute, also recognized by the OECD as a Center for training in tax criminal investigation, trains hundreds of Guardia di Finanza officials, as well as other Italian institutions and from several countries every year through face-to-face and on-line courses, guaranteeing a very high level of preparation of students in a functional environment and designed by the modern demands of specialized academic training.

The availability of the Guardia di Finanza, in collaboration with ITC, to organize blended learning courses for officials of the organizations that are part of NTO represents, therefore, an important achievement that will yield results in the years to come.


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