With the support of the CIAT-SECO Cooperation Program, the SAT of Guatemala strengthens processes related to the control of transfer prices and the invoicing system

On November 27 and 28, 2017, officials of the CIAT Executive Secretariat met in Guatemala with authorities of the SAT with the purpose of knowing the progress of two projects coordinated by CIAT and financed with resources from SECO. One of them is oriented to the strengthening of capacities for the control of the abusive manipulation of transfer prices, and another to the redesign and optimization of the electronic invoicing system, which in turn aims at the optimization of the taxpayer registry.

In the area of ​​Transfer Pricing, significant advances have been generated that led to the determination of tax adjustments. During the current year, cases were analyzed in relation to transactions involving intangible assets, taxpayers of the services sector, financial sector taxpayers and aggressive tax planning schemes in general. Efforts were also made to improve the capacities to carry out comparability analyzes. Likewise, progress has been made in the design and implementation of a methodology that allows selecting cases at risk of abusive manipulation of transfer prices. In the coming months the Program will be providing support in the area of ​​transparency and the exchange of tax information at the international level, which will allow better access to useful information for the control of transfer prices.

In the invoicing area, progress has been made in the design of the new electronic invoicing system, which will allow access to a greater amount of data, optimal processing and integration with other existing systems within the SAT. In addition, in the scope of the current project, the Program has provided support in the redesign of the Single Tax Registry (RTU) with the main objective of providing the SAT with the information necessary to comply with its tax obligations, and identify the potential taxpayers.

Once again, we thank SECO for the valuable support it offers to our member countries and we highlight the commitment demonstrated by the SAT.

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