Workshop on ISORA (International Survey on Revenue Administration) successfully completed
From May 23 to 25, the Workshop on ISORA (International Survey on Revenue Administration), took place in Panama City, Republic of Panama. ISORA, a harmonized survey to collect data on tax management was recently launched by CIAT, IOTA, IMF and OECD.
The workshop was presented by Mr. Miguel Pecho (CIAT Director of Studies and Research) and Ms. Andrea Lemgruber (Deputy Chief of the IMF Tax Administration Division), and was attended by Tax Administration officials from eleven (11) CIAT members of Latin America (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru).
The main purpose of this workshop was to disseminate the content of the survey and the use of the RA-FIT (Revenue Tax Information Administration Tool) online platform, which is used to complete ISORA.
This event was sponsored by CAPTAC-DR and CIAT.
See: Photo Gallery