Workshop on Tax Expenditures of the Federation in Brazil

The Brazilian Federal Revenue (RFB in Portuguese), in coordination with the School of Fiscal Administration (ESAF) on October 6 and 7, held in Brasilia the Workshop on Tax Expenditures of the Federation with the purpose to align efforts for an effective cost-benefit evaluation of tax expenditures.

The first day presentations on tax expenditure measurements were conducted from a methodological, budgetary and control perspective which included the participation of international organizations and officials from different government agencies in Brazil, such as the Court of Accounts of the Federation, the National Treasury Secretariat and the Finance Ministry National Committee for the Management of “Simples”.

The CIAT’s Tax Studies and Research Manager, Mr. Miguel Pecho Trigueros, presented the Handbook of Best Practices of Tax Expenditures Measurement which is in the process of being translated into Portuguese by the RFB.

The second day were held presentations by Resource Management entities including the Ministries of Sports, Culture, Education, SUFRAMA, Science and Technology and Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, and a roundtable was developed to discuss how to advance in the cost- benefits evaluation of tax expenditures.

The material of the event can be found at the following address.

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