Inauguration of the CIAT 2017 Technical Conference in Costa Rica

With the participation of representatives from more than 38 tax administrations and international organizations, the Technical Conference of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) was inaugurated for the first time in our country.

This year, the central topic of the conference will be ” advances of the tax administrations in relation to the problem of tax base erosion and profit shifting, better known internationally as BEPS”; it will be held between September 18 and 21.

The event was inaugurated by the President of the Republic, Mr. Helio Fallas; the Minister of Finance, Mr. Fernando Rodríguez; the president of the CIAT Executive Council, Mrs. Marta González; the CIAT executive secretary, Mr. Marcio Ferreira Verdi and the General Director of Taxation of Costa Rica, Mr. Carlos Vargas.

“An effective implementation of the BEPS actions implies substantial improvements in institutional management, procedural rules and fundamentally in the structural norms of the main taxes, income and VAT, whose legal development has left gaps that facilitate evasion (…) Only with the joint effort of the three Powers of the Republic, we will be able to implement a fair, effective and modern tax system that will enable us, with the necessary laws and procedures, to fight against evasion and fraud, to present us to the world as a fiscally transparent democracy, ” Mr. Fallas said.

The inaugural conference was led by Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the Center for Tax Policy and Administration of the OECD, who referred to the implementation of BEPS actions, which are the standard for countries to tackle the problem of the tax base erosion and profits shifting.

During the remaining days, experiences will be shared on the national and international implementations of BEPS, in addition to discussing progress and challenges in this area, cooperation and multilateral assistance between tax administrations, tax evasion, transfer pricing, tax control and tax planning, among others.

CIAT is an international organization whose mission is to offer a comprehensive service for the modernization, strengthening and technological upgrade of the tax administrations in its 40 member countries, while providing an environment of mutual cooperation and providing the exchange of experiences between member countries, assisting them in improving their tax administrations. Costa Rica has been a member since its foundation in 1967.

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