CIAT, OECD, IDB and GIZ cooperate to promote the discussion of international tax issues among governments in Latin America and the Caribbean

On March 18-20, 2024, a meeting entitled “Regional Consultation on International Taxation in Latin America and the Caribbean” was held in Panama City, Panama, sponsored by CIAT, the OECD, the IDB, and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ).
The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the latest developments in tax measures related to the taxation of international operations and other complementary aspects of tax policy and administration, such as the analysis of strategies for policy formulation and tax morale. In addition, statistics and databases on the situation in the region covered by this activity and new initiatives were presented.
CIAT was pleased to present the work it has been coordinating with GIZ on gender and taxation with funds from the German Federal Government, the Digital Economy Compliance (DEC) tool, developed with the support of NORAD and GIZ to facilitate the management of VAT collection arising from the marketing of digital goods and services, under the terms of the OECD recommendations, and the Maturity Model on Dispute Prevention and Resolution, developed with support from EUROsociAL+, the IDB and tax administrations. Likewise, the latest IDB and CIAT developments in the area of Electronic Invoicing were presented, and the publication of the Spanish translation of the Minimum Tax Implementation Handbook (Pillar Two), prepared by the IDB and the OECD, was announced.
The event was attended by technical officials and authorities from 14 ministries of finance and tax administrations, and representatives of the aforementioned sponsoring organizations, the IMF, the World Bank and the Executive Secretariat of the Council of Finance Ministers of Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic, SECOSEFIN.
- Nestor Venegas (OECD), Anarella Calderoni (CIAT), Pamela González (CIAT) and Isaác Gonzalo Arias (CIAT).