Invitation to express interest

Within the framework of the CIAT-NORAD1 Cooperation Program, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), international organization with headquarters in Panama City, will enter into a contract for the development of a software solution to facilitate the registration of the filing and information obligations, dealing with consumption taxes that are applied to transactions carried out by businesses that make intensive use of sale of goods or rendering of services technology, without physical presence in a jurisdiction.

The service requested corresponds to the development of the aforementioned solution, according to the series of specifications to be developed by CIAT for such purpose, using as basis the definitions derived from the BEPS Action Plan which has been promoted by G20 and the OECD.

The service consists of the development of an open code software, that may be installed in the local data center or in the cloud, multilingual, shaped to be implemented in different jurisdictions and which may hold up, at least:

a). The simplified registry.

b). The filing online or through “webservices” of transactions carried out, the taxes collected.

c). The sending of information with details of the transactions.

d). Information on payments made online and/or through “webservices”.

e). Adaptability for working with different business models in the digital economy.

f). Statistical reports.

g). Cadaster of rates and taxes.

h). Module for online calculation of taxes.

All transactions should be carried out through a Web application or the use of Web services. User authentication should allow the use of double factor mechanisms and/or digital certificates in public PKI, wherever they exist.

The time frame considered for the aforementioned development ranges between 12 and 18 months.

The selection of the consulting company will be based on the quality and cost method.

Requisites of the consulting company

The company must have a minimum five-year experience, having worked in the development of tax administration systems, three-year experience in the development of systems operated in local data center or in the cloud.

The company must submit:

a). Letter of presentation of the company.

b). Description of the company’s experience in the development of software.

c). Description of the specific experience in solutions for tax administrations.

d). Description of experiences with solutions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, multilingual/and other languages.

e). Description of the development methodology.

f). Specific description of the testing methodologies.

g). Experiences in the development of in the cloud systems.

h). Description of the facilities and installations: work place, time schedule, connectivity installations, certifications. (*)

i). Summary no longer than one paragraph of the experience of the company’s professionals.

j). Certificates of the tax administrations where they have carried out the works described.

The statements of interest should be sent by electronic mail addressed to Mrs. María Sofía López (, until 24 hours of May 29, 2020, Panama time.

Preselection methodology

CIAT will preselect up to 5 (five) companies among those expressing interest. The following criteria will be considered for this selection.

1. Tax experience – weight 10

2. Development methodology – weight 5

3. Testing methodology – weight 5

4. Languages used in the development of projects – weight 1 per language, maximum (3) (Spanish, English or Portuguese)

5. Logistic capacity – weight 3 (*)

[1] Agencia Noruega de Cooperación para el Desarrollo.

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