Public Information Network

The main purpose  of the “DIP initiative” is to facilitate to auditors and/or tax researchers the access to sources of public information duly classified and valued by pre-determined parameters, to identify valuable information that can be used in the framework of their functions; reducing significantly the times and costs needed to  identify and access these sources.

Workshop on the use of the “Availability and Access to Public Information of Tax Interest” tool

  • Venue: Esplanade of the Ministries, Brasilia, Brazil Date: May, 8 -fd10 de mayo de 2018

Meeting on DIP Initiative

  • Brasilia, Brazil, August 11-13, 2014

  • Featured
  • The Executive Secretary in the Press

On March 14, 2017, the CIAT Executive Secretary, Márcio F. Verdi and the Secretary of Federal Revenues of Brazil (RFB), Jorge Rachid, signed the document which allows for transferring to…

  • Events

On July 25 to 27, officials from the CIAT Executive Secretariat met in Brasilia with officials of the Secretaria da Receita Federal (RFB) and the Federal Service for Data Processing…

  • Events

On 18 and 19 February of this year, the first meeting of the Steering Committee on “Availability of Public Information (DPI)” of interest for the control of tax compliance was…

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