The CIAT Executive Secretariat honors staff members

On November 25, 2021, the CIAT Executive Secretariat paid a tribute of appreciation to officials with 5, 10, 15, 25 and 30 years of uninterrupted work at the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations -CIAT, as a form of recognition to the dedication and professionalism of its collaborators, in an atmosphere of national holidays and thanksgiving celebration.

During the ceremony, recognition plaques were presented to 10 officials for their loyalty and commitment to the institution:

Year 2020
Alejandro Juárez
 – 5  Carlos Muñoz – 5, Mónica Alonso – 25Neila Jaén – 25  and  Francisco Beiner – 30.

Year 2021
Erika Afú  – 10
Yara Muñoz – 10 , Raúl Zambrano – 15 , Tomás Torres – 15 and Tatiana Tejada – 25.

Mr. Verdi, speaking to all those present, thanked everyone for the good work and the dedication, work that allows the growth of the Institution.

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