Third CIAT Contest on Innovation in the Tax Administrations

The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations announces the “Third CIAT Contest on Innovation in the Tax Administrations”. Entries may be sent until november 30, 2010.

The purpose of this annual contest is to recognize and promote improvement and creativity in the tax administrations. It constitutes concrete evidence of the effect of innovation on their performance which ultimately results in greater public trust.

By highlighting exemplary ways of innovative performance of the tax administrations, the Program acts as a catalyst in continuous improvement for satisfying the permanent demand faced by tax administrations of finding new and better ways for achieving their institutional objectives.

This year there has been a change in the awards modality. Awards will not be given by categories as in previous years.  There will be awards for the best three innovations. The implementation of new practices in the tax administrations, especially after they reach greater levels of maturity, currently considers different aspects and it is rather frequent than odd that all practices contribute to improve efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in management.

To this end, innovation will be defined as a new process that may change or improve an existing one, and may cause a significant impact on the tax administration. An innovation may be large or small, originating a totally new process.  Or simply, implement changes in an already established process, provided this change may have a significant impact which may be measured in qualitative or quantitative terms.

The 2011 awards will be announced and presented at the General Assembly in Quito, Ecuador.

For further information, tax administrations may access the Contest  Rules.

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