Visit of the UNED of Spain to the CIAT Executive Secretariat

On September 5, 2024, the CIAT Executive Secretariat had the pleasure of receiving the Rector of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) of Spain, Mr. Ricardo Mairal Usón, and the Vice Rector, Ms. Rebeca de Juan Díaz. They were warmly welcomed by the Executive Secretary, Márcio F. Verdi, together with a team of CIAT directors and managers.

During the meeting, a presentation on CIAT was displayed, highlighting its mission, vision and the work it conducts. The training programs offered by the institution, including courses and diploma programs, received a special emphasis. .

For his part, Rector D. Mairal gave a comprehensive overview of UNED, highlighting its focus on distance education and expressing his satisfaction with the visit and the fruitful exchange with CIAT.

It is worth noting that UNED is the largest public university in Spain, both in number of students and academic offerings. It also has the largest campus in Europe and, for 50 years, has been dedicated to universalizing quality Higher Education through an online and blended learning model considered as leader in this sector.

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