Workshop on confidentiality and data safeguard for AEOI

Remarkable progress has been achieved to date in the global implementation of the standard on automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters (the AEOI Standard). Those jurisdictions exchanging information in 2017 have virtually completed the delivery of the requirements for AEOI, whilst the vast majority of those exchanging in 2018, including St Kitts and Nevis have already put in place the complete domestic legal framework. In addition, wide international legal relationships for AEOI and a multilateral Common Transmission System (CTS) for transmission of the data have been established.

During two working days, on August 16-17, 2017 in Washington, the Global Forum of OECD, IDB and CIAT- GIZ offered a workshop on confidentiality and data safeguard for AEOI for Tax Administrations of the countries in the Caribbean, Middle America and EEUU.  The workshop was targeted at tax administration officials including key information security managers, who will act as ‘security champions’ at home following the workshop. There were offered opportunities for participants to discuss common issues among themselves. The format of the workshop was very inter active.

The aim was: Drive the theoretical lessons and deliver practical tools that attendees can use to implement security frameworks and controls in their tax administration to address the Action Plan recommendation.

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