25th Essay Contest’s Award delivery

The Technical Cooperation Agreement signed in Madrid (Spain) on June 25, 2014 between the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), the State Secretariat of Finance, the State Tax Administration Agency and the Institute of Fiscal Studies (under the Ministry of Finance and Public Service) provides that the State Agency of Tax Administration will finance an Essay Contest on tax policy or tax administration topics in the Ibero-American context.

Complying with this agreement, in May 2016, the XXV Essay Contest was convened. This contest is held every two years to promote the scientific activity of the tax administrations officers from the CIAT member countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In this edition, the award was attributed to the work of Mrs. Carol Martinoli, official from the AFIP of Argentina, on “Alternative formulas for the resolution of tax disputes: Analysis of Comparative Law” (Spanish only).

Ambassador D. Estanislao de Grandes Pascual presented the diploma accrediting the first prize of the 25th Essay Contest to Mrs. Carol Martinoli, in presence of the AFIP Assistant Director-General for Institutional Technical Coordination, Dr. Ernesto Donato, the AFIP International Affairs Director, Dr. Angel Pacheco and the Counselor of Finances in the Argentine Republic, Mr. Jesus Ignacio Perez Aguilera.

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