CIAT Secretariat visits Peru – SUNAT

The CIAT Executive Secretary, Márcio F. Verdi, and the Director of Cooperation and International Taxation, Gonzalo Arias, met in Lima with the Superintendent of SUNAT, Luis Enrique Vera, and his staff.

SUNAT presented the advances in merchandise traceability and the use of big data generated by electronic invoices.

Progress in the cooperation that CIAT executes with financing from the Cooperation Secretariat of the Swiss Federal Government were commented. CIAT / SECO Program is currently being developed with SUNAT of Peru and other LAC member countries.

The CIAT Secretariat commented on the implementation of the DEC System for the taxation of the digital economy; the activities under development at the CIAT Center for Advanced Analytics with the application of artificial intelligence to the databases of electronic invoices; and the Data base of Transnational Cases of Erosion of the Tax base.

Also were commented SUNAT’s participation and collaboration in the next meeting of the CIAT International Taxation Network and in CIAT Technical Conference to be held in October in Spain.

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