Meeting of Tax Studies and Research was Successfully Concluded

The meeting, which was attended by representatives from 16 member countries and 4 international organizations

The First Meeting of Tax Studies and Research Units, organized by the CIAT Executive Secretariat for member country tax administration officials working in these units, came to a successful conclusion.

The meeting, which was attended by representatives from 16 member countries and 4 international organizations, was held on September 13 through 15, 2010 in Panama City, Panama, under the main theme of: “Micro-simulation methods and their usefulness for policy analysis and tax administration”.

On the first day, experts from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IEF) of Spain, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) delivered keynote presentations, while the second day was devoted to case studies. In this regard, 8 countries presented their experiences in the use of micro-simulation methods. Finally, on the third day, participants considered various technical assistance alternatives for implementing micro-simulation models in their countries.

The meeting also served as starting point for the activities of the CIAT Network for Tax Studies and Research Areas.



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