The DGI of Nicaragua decreased the time of attention to the taxpayer, thanks to the support of the CIAT-SECO cooperation program and the AEAT of Spain

On December 11, 2017, officials of the CIAT Executive Secretariat visited the DGI of Nicaragua to evaluate the results achieved during the three years of the Project entitled “Comprehensive Taxpayer Attention and Assistance System”. The Project has been coordinated by CIAT, financed with resources from the Swiss Cooperation (SECO) and implemented with technical support from the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT).

DGI Officials from left to right: Carlos Palacios, Manager Large Taxpayers; José Bladimir García, Deputy Director General; Martin Rivas, Director General; José Reyes, Head International Advisory and CIAT Correspondent.
The DGI has been able to capitalize on the technical support, having succeeded in implementing the ATENEO application in eight offices of the DGI (four in Managua and four in other departments of Nicaragua). As a result, the service process is automated, offering measurements of time and other statistics that are used to feed a continuous improvement of the service provided by the tax administration. Currently, it is possible to know which service takes the most time and consequently arbitrate the necessary means to reduce it.
Within the framework of the taxpayer assistance project, a system has been designed that will allow taxpayers to register when they reach an assistance center and the tax administration to organize their services for a better care. Likewise, with the support of the AEAT, “prior appointment” program has been developed, which allows scheduling appointments with taxpayers, thus avoiding waiting times and scheduling an efficient allocation of person-hours to the service.
The Executive Secretariat of CIAT highlights the commitment of the Nicaraguan DGI, which has made possible these achievements, and thanks SECO and the AEAT for this efficient cooperation.
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