The Executive Secretariat regrets the departure of our dear colleague Ms. Ayin Barrios de Sucre (RIP)

With deep regret, we communicate the irreparable loss of our dear colleague Ms. Ayin Barrios de Sucre, a distinguished professional and friend who worked with commitment for almost 40 years for the Executive Secretariat as the official translator of CIAT, standing out as an excellent international translation specialist in tax matters, especially at the General Assemblies, Technical Conferences and institutional meetings where she provided simultaneous interpretation

The CIAT Executive Secretary, Mr. Márcio F. Verdi, stated this morning: “There are no words to express our feelings of pain and loss. For CIAT, Mrs. Ayín will be forever in history as a symbol of dedication and professional devotion, and for us an example of friendship and solidarity”.

The memory of her trajectory and the moments shared will remain with us forever. leaves us with deep traces, not only as the great professional she was, but also for her companionship, her example and dedication in a long work trajectory at CIAT.

CIAT expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to his family and friends.

Panama, July 24, 2020

Resolution of Respect 

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