ESG factors is the acronym for Environmental Social and Governance factors, in Spanish this acronym is also translated ASG. In private companies and also in public agencies, it is the subject of a wide debate with the introduction of mandatory and voluntary disclosure measures. This can affect companies of all…

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Often, the tax Authorities (TAs) they are immersed in greater or lesser magnitude processes of change derived both from internal modernization and improvement projects and from the need to align with the orientations and objectives proposed by international institutions (OECD, IMF, CIAT, etc.) The change management processes depends on the…

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The tax on wealth (both global, on the possession of certain assets or on their transfer), is included within the direct taxation, and tends to tax the taxpayers with the greatest contributory capacity.   Its importance While the population of the richest decile in Europe represents 59% of the wealth…

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Cryptographic games based on Web 3.0 and blockchain technology attract a diverse and increasingly large audience. Gaming transactions reached 7.4 billion, a growth of 37% over the previous year and a staggering 3260% since 2020. In 2022, on average, 1.13 million unique active wallets were connected daily to apps [1] of games. That’s a…

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Since the arrival of Bitcoin, with its decentralized registration technology (or DLT) and its open programming code, new digital businesses have proliferated hand in hand with the smart contracts, whose programmable clauses are executed automatically without the need for intermediaries. The tokenization of physical assets arises from the fruitful use…

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Introduction The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques is growing in society, applied in the most different fields of activity, with the potential to transform the community and people’s lives. The recent launch of the ChatGPT product and the expectation for the even more powerful GPT-4 [1] managed to involve…

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