Seminar-Workshop on Challenges for the developing countries: transfer pricing controls and taxation of the digital economy

An International Seminar-Workshop on “Challenges for the developing countries: transfer pricing controls and taxation of the digital economy”, within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between CIAT and the GIZ of Germany and with the support of the General Directorate of Taxes of Morocco was held on October 11, 2019, upon conclusion of the 2019 CIAT Technical Conference. The venue was the same Palmeraie Du Golf Hotel in Marrakech, where the conference was held.

The event was focused on the developing countries’ new trends for controlling transfer pricing. Also discussed was the digital economy and the recent OECD proposals for protecting the tax base in that ever increasing economic sector. Likewise, a presentation was made on the results of technical assistance on BEPS and tax treaties provided by the CIAT-GIZ Program in 2018-2019, which also allowed for evaluating the impact produced and whose beneficiaries were African countries members of CIAT.

The CIAT Director of Cooperation and International Taxation, Mr. Gonzalo Arias.

In particular, CIAT presented and discussed with the participants, the proposals of the Cocktail of measures for controlling transfer pricing manipulation, focused on developing or low-income countries.

The participants in this activity included representatives from international organizations, universities and 24 tax administrations, thereby allowing for an extensive exchange of experiences in relation to these International Taxation issues of such great current importance.

The CIAT Executive Secretariat hereby wishes to express its special gratitude to all those who contributed to this new initiative.


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